As we know, the wedding bells are in order for bubbly girl Mehreen Kaur Pirzada. The ‘F2’ actress confirmed that she is going to marry Bhavya Bishnoi soon. The engagement is going to be in March at Jaipur’s Alila Fort and it looks the couple are enjoying their time before marriage.
Recently, Mehreen and Bishnoi posed in specially designed ethnic wear. They are looking wonderful together and they make a perfect couple. While Bishnoi is looking handsome, Mehreen is looking like a princess in the heavily embellished lehenga and matching jewelry. With an arresting smile, she is just ravishing and appears like an angel fallen from the sky.
It is still unsure whether Mehreen will continue to pursue her acting career after marriage or not. For now, she is having a great time with her fiance and did not accept any new films.