Even at a matured age, hottest sister ever Bollywood has seen, Karishma Kapoor’s doting sister Kareena is creating tremors in glamour circles. Now many other young heroines also want to do the same.
After Kriti Sanon is trying to get Nupur Sanon some luck and Taapsee Pannu pushing her sister Shagun Pannu into the glam world, now comes the big star heroine Katrina Kaif doing the same. Using her friendships in the tinsel town, already Katrina created a launchpad for her.
While all other aspiring heroines, who happen to be sisters of some other heroines, are actually releasing their hot photo shoots themselves, now Katrina got a leading magazine click a shoot of Isabelle. On the latest issue of GQ Magazine, Isabelle is taking people for a cool ride. Her look-alike features close to Katrina are mesmerising some lads now.
Cut to films, already Isabelle signed her first two movies one beingĀ Sooraj Pancholi starrer, which is being funded by Salman Khan.