Sonam K Ahuja and Anand Ahuja tied the knot in an extravagant wedding ceremony on May 8th.The entire Bollywood film fraternity graced the event to bless the newlyweds as they started their journey as man and wife.Ever since then, Sonam and Anand have been sharing their PDA moments on social media in an adorable way.
Today, the ‘Neerja’ actress took to her Instagram to share two throwback pictures that were taken a few moments after Sonam and Anand became husband and wife.The couple looked absolutely gorgeous together and Sonam’s lilac saree paired with a matching bardot blouse was breathtakingly beautiful.
Anand too looked dapper in a black pantsuit which he paired with a crisp white shirt.On the work front, Sonam Kapoor will next be seen in ‘Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga’ which marks the actress’ first onscreen collaboration with dad and actor Anil Kapoor.
Directed by Shelly Chopra Dhar, the movie also stars Juhi Chawla and Rajkummar Rao and is slated to release on October 12th, 2018.