Jr NTR celebrates his 36th birthday today, and Ram Charan took to Facebook to wish his “brother” on his special day.”Happy birthday brother!! Have wonderful year ahead (sic),” Ram Charan wrote, along with a picture of the two of them sharing a hug.
The adorable post is going viral on the internet, with over 75,000 likes in just two hours. Incidentally, Ram Charan and Jr NTR are all set to share screen space for the first time ever in director SS Rajamouli’s next.
The details of the film, tentatively titled RRR (which stands for Rajamouli, Ram Charan and Rama Rao), have been kept tightly under wraps.
Rumours are doing the rounds that Ram Charan and Jr NTR might play boxers in the film. Producer DVV Danayya, who is bankrolling the film, revealed in an interview that the film is being made on a mammoth budget.