A day after the launch, Energetic star Ram Pothineni’s new film ‘iSmart Shankar’ has commenced its shooting.Marking this, the makers released a poster in which Ram is seen in a weird outfit. The trouser is a combination of two different denim materials and it looks good.
Ram’s look is craggy while he holds a gun in his right hand that says his role is action packed that carries the caption ‘Double Dimaak Hyderabadi.’Being the first combination of Ram and director Puri Jagannadh, there are good expectations on the movie. Puri has worked extensively on the hero’s characterization and on the script too.
‘iSmart Shankar’ is an action entertainer having music of Mani Sharma and cinematography by Raj Thota.Puri Jagannadh and Charmme Kaur are producing the movie and expected for May release.