After doing a couple of small budgeted movies, Hyderabad based model Dimple Hayathi has shot to fame in Tollywood circles. Later she was the heroine of Sekhar Kammula’s plugged off project which is now being remade with Naga Chaitanya and Sai Pallavi.
In the upcoming Valmiki movie, actually, Dimple is doing an item number that goes by the lyric Jarraa Jarraaa. As the first poster of this is out, one could easily find out that a new hot girl is in town right now. Flaunting her spicy charms, Dimple is sparkling like a high voltage transformer that is causing fluctuations in the hearts of men.
We hear that Dimple is a pretty good dancer too and her moves alongside Varun Tej and Atharvaa in this song are quite impressive. Also the tune given by Mickey J Meyer is said to be catchy too. As the film is set for September 13th release, these massy charms are surely going to draw attention.