In the picture is Powerstar Pawan Kalyan sharing a lighter moment and posing to a picture along with his best friends, Art director Anand Sai and Producer Sharath Marrar. Anand Sai is a close friend of Pawan Kalyan even before he ventured in to films and Sharath Marrar, the media baron is his business partner too.
The picture seem to be taken on a private chartered flight. Sharath Marrar is also the business advisor of Pawan Kalyan. He recently coproduced Gopala Gopala along with Suresh Babu. It is an open secret that he represents Pawan Kalyan in the movie production.
He is also the producer of Pawan Kalyan’s next film, Gabbar Singh-2 which will go on floors once the actor cum politician completes his back surgery and rehabilitation.