Known as bollywood’s fashionista, heroine Sonam Kapoor is not a big star unlike her contemporaries like Deepika Padukone and even Ali Bhatt, but the sound of her name always rings bells. Because she is too hot sometimes, chick, upright and straight forward.
Also she never leaves an opportunity to showcase her supreme fashion abilities. Here on the latest and 18th anniversary issue of noteable fashion magazine ‘Elle’, Shruti once again showcased her hot figure. However her enviable curves have now got downsized a little bit, as she flaunts her skinny look.
Here on the cover page, one could get a tinge of her shiny smiles and those skinny collar bones. Designer dresses are always land well on Sonam’s hot figure, and there is no exception even now. In the book, she is going to talk about why she’ll never shut up. For the now, our eyes are not shutting up, oh beauty!!