The Title of Sesh Adivi’s Upcoming film with PVP is out now. The film has been titled as ‘Evaru’. Regina Cassandra is the leading lady and Naveen Chandra will be seen in a pivotal role.As the title & the poster suggests, ‘Evaru’ is a Thriller and the story revolves around three people.
After tasting consecutive hits at the box-office with ‘Kshanam’, ‘Ami Thumi’ & ‘Goodachari’, Sesh Adivi is very confident that this film will entertain the audience too.Abburi Ravi has provided the dialogues and Sricharan Pakala is the music director.
Vamsi Patchipulusu is handling the lens and Venkat Ramji is making his debut as a director with this Thriller.Pearl V Potluri, Param V Potluri & Kavin Anne are producing ‘Evaru’ Under PVP Cinema banner and the film will be hitting the screens on August 23, 2019.