Back then when Upasana got married to mega hero Ram Charan, there was huge criticism regarding her weight. And some have openly commented that she is not a right match to Cherry’s charisma. Guess what, Upasana took them seriously.
After years of hard work, Upasana has lost huge weight and recently stated in an interview that she is not upset with the comments of Charans’ fans. “Maybe they have thought that their heartthrob hero deserves much better match. But that’s okay” she said. However, she silenced everyone with her newly carved physique.
Though everyone knows about this, now Upasana herself has posted a comparison photographer where she is wearing the same saree years back and now. The only difference between the two pics is that she lost 14 kilograms of weight.
Ever since she lost oodles of weight, this famous businesswoman is busy giving tips to folks about weight loss and keeping good health on their social media pages.