In the picture is Mega Brother Naga Babu’s Son, Varun Tej posing with Megastar Chiranjeevi and Mega Power Star Ram Charan. The picture is taken on the shooting location of Magadheera when Bangaru Kodi Petta Song was canned. It is known that Chiranjeevi played a little cameo in the film. Varun Tej was there at the shooting spot to watch the film shoot.
Incidentally, that was the last filmy appearance of Chiranjeevi before he forayed in to Politics. Needless to say, his fans are eagerly waiting for his re-entry with his 150th film. On the other side, Varun Tej will be making his filmy debut on December 24th as his debut film, Mukundha releases then.
Seethamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu fame Srikanth Addala is directing the film. The film has invoked good response in the trade and there are business offers for the film in the tune of 18 Crores across the World. We will have to see if he lives up to the reputation of Mega Family.