This afternoon, Tollywood’s macho hunk Rana Daggubati shared a working still on his Instagram page in which a young couple is seen from their back, and he even asked “Guess who?”. While it didn’t take fans much time to figure that the man in the picture was Rana himself, the confused fans started dropping names like Sri Divya, his partner in Bangalore Days remake, Trisha, his ex-flame and even Samantha, going by the petite figure of the girl in the image, to identify the girl.
Even as the fans were clueless and continued their guesses, Samantha joined the party, bringing the curtains down on the mysterious lady’s identity, as she tweeted the same image and even said, ” Love comes in all shapes and sizes .#Bangaloredaysremake.” It is well known that Samantha recently joined the Tamil remake of Malayalam hit, Bangalore Days.