Sridevi’s daughter Janhvi Kapoor is all set to mark her debut with Karan Johar backed film ‘Dhadak’. The girl is putting all her efforts to attain perfection and working out in the gym is one of them.Recently, the ‘Dhadak’ girl was snapped by the paps while leaving the gym. She was all smiles for the cameras and even waved back to them.
From the pictures, it is sure that Sridevi’s daughter can slay in any outfit, be it gym wear! The actress was wearing a white tank top and orange sports leggings with matching trainers.
Meanwhile, Janhvi has recently completed the Jaipur schedule of the film. Helmed by Shashank Khaitan, ‘Dhadak’ also stars Shahid Kapoor’s brother Ishaan Khatter. The film is slated to release on July 6, 2018.