Malaika Arora is constantly on headlines these days for her alleged relationship with Arjun Kapoor. The paparazzi never fails to clicks images of their dinner dates and outing pictures. The latest picture of Malaika on her Instagram is smouldering hot and one cannot handle this 45-year-old sizzling in the seriously sexy underwater snap.
The actress captioned the picture “The stillness, The calm. It’s meditative”. The hashtag says the location is the Indian ocean. She is seen pretending to be a beautiful mermaid with goggles and an eye contact towards the camera.
Malaika looks incredibly hot and confident underwater and it is giving us diving goals. Netizens couldn’t stop themselves from praising the picture. One user called her water angel and another as a beauty goddess. This breath-taking picture is making us drool over her fittest body ever.
There were few other funny comments and choreographer-director Farah Khan’s comment got more attention among them. She asked Malaika about who was clicking those pictures from underwater, with a wink emoji. The replies kept flooding with Arjun Kapoor’s name, ofcourse.