With films like Karthi’s Dev releasing in February early this year, Ajay Devgan’s De De Pyar De and Surya’s NGK hitting cinemas in May, Manmadhudu 2 gracing cinemas on August 9th, guess what was busy the whole of this time? It is none other than spicy starlet Rakul Preet Singh.
After keeping herself busy for an almost long part of the year, finally, Rakul has taken a break from work. Before joining the shoot of her Hindi film with Siddharth Malhotra and Nithin’s Telugu movie, she is now chilling out in the Ibiza area of Spain. Her bikini laced pictures where she slipped into denim shorts over them are currently going viral on the internet.
Rakul is not only enjoying this trip as a personal holiday but is also promoting a holiday-wear through these pictures. As she will be there in Spain for a couple of weeks, many are wondering what more hotness she will spread up in the coming days. Watch this space for all of Rakul’s spicy updates.