Bollywood beauty Vaani Kapoor has set things on fire after she debuted with the film Shudh Desi Romance and later sizzled in the hottest avatar in Befikre movie. But Telugu people know her through Nani’s Aaha Kalyanam movie, which happens to be a remake of superhit Hindi movie Band Baja Baarat.
Though Vaani hasn’t appeared in any other film after Befikre, which released in 2016, the actress is surely spicing up her social media pages. Other day, when she’s enjoying a vacation with her friends in a remote location, the actress has stunned every as she slipped into a neon-shining green coloured bikini.
That green bikini of her has perfect sync with the greenish nature around and the actress says that she appeared that way as she has that tropical state of mind. Before posing this way, actually, Vaani treated her fans to some other photos where her terrific display of curves became the talk of the town.