Making an exception to renowned Bollywood actress Vidya Balan, the tourism department of Gujarat allotted her a bullet proof tent which will exclusively be used for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his visit to the state. And that’s truly an outstanding reception by Gujarat tourism. Isn’t it? That extravagant and personal tent of Prime Minister contains a sofa unit, television, multi-media players and two bedrooms. Speaking about the experience in Prime Minister’s tent, Vidya said – ‘I feel that I am highly privileged to stay in that tent and it’s an out-and-out luxuriate experience.’
The actress visited Gujarat to promote her upcoming film ‘Tumhari Sulu’, where she will be seen playing a ‘late-night radio jockey’ role, and the film is scheduled to release on 17th November. Also, the Begum Jaan actress recently visited India-Pakistan border to promote the film by meeting Jawans. T-series and Ellipsis Entertainment are jointly producing the film.