It is known that Priyanka Chopra will be playing the female lead alonside Mega Power Star Ram Charan in his Bollywood debut movie, Zanjeer. The movie had already completed two schedules of shooting of the movie in Mumbai and Bangkok. However, Piggy Chops did not take part in the shooting till now. She will be joining the movie unit for the third schedule of the movie which began on Saturday in Hyderabad. The movie will be shot in and around Hyderabad for the next 2 weeks.
Charan will be reprising the role of Inspector Vijay in the remake of 1973 Amitabh Bachchan starer Zanjeer and Sanjay Dutt is playing the role of Pathan Sher Khan. Apoorva Lakhia is the director of the movie which happens to be Ram Charan’s Bollywood debut movie. The movie had completed two schedules of shooting and will have simultaneous release in Telugu and Hindi.