Pink lake flooring all

Generally lakes across the world however beautiful they are, look colorless or mostly blue. But a pink lake in Australia is flooring all with his scenic and exotic appearance. Pink Lake which is a salt lake is located in the Goldfields-Esperance region of Western Australia. 
Pink lake lies 3 KM west of Esperance and is bound to the east by the South coast High Way. According to sources the water in the lake is not always pink but distinctive color of the water changes due to the presence of green alga Dunaliella salina, halobacterium Halobacteria cutirubrum, and/or high concentration of brine prawn. 
Pink color halobacteria grows once the salinity level in the lake water reaches more than the sea water and temperature, light conditions are high enough for the color change. Western Australia is a home for many extraordinary Pink Lake and Lake Hillier on Middle Island is the largest. 
The lake is about 600 mts long and is beautified with the presence of rim of sand and dense eucalyptus trees and dense woodland of paperbark.