It is we that first brought to light that a fake account of Shriya Saran in existence and it has nearly 2 lakh followers including a long list of celebrities. Talking about it, Shriya has responded now claiming that someone is faking her all these days on twitter and requested her fans to follow her only on this present new account.
Claiming that the handle “@shriya1109” is her original twitter account, operated by herself, Shriya stated, “All fake ids! Please stop it! It’s not funny and cool to fake some one. Please respect my individuality! Let me be me (sic)”.
While she is not against those fan pages created by her hardcore admirers, she avers “To love and appreciate some one is very different from faking some one.Intruding there privacy!you know who you are”.
However, Shriya is going to get her official page verified by twitter management such that there will be no confusion. Yeah, that is better Shriya.