It is known that 174 turmeric farmers have filed nominations for Nizamabad LS constituency in the first phase of Telangana polls. Protesting the low ‘remunerative price’ for what they are producing, farmers in the past announced they would also contest on PM Narendra Modi in Varanasi and Congress President Rahul Gandhi in Amethi, if needed. Looks like it is turning out to be true.
With a view to raise their voice and intensity the protest, the turmeric farmers of Telangana has now decided to seek election from Varanasi as well. It’s known that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has recently filed his nomination from this constituency in Uttar Pradesh.
Turmeric farmers from Armoor, Balkonda and Nizamabad rural have decided to go to Varanasi and file their nomination as independent candidates. They (farmers) also have called for a ‘Chalo Varanasi’ to draw the attention of entire nation.