Prime Minister Narendra Modi lavished praises on popular singer Kailash Kher. Kailash Kher recently participated in Modi’s swachh bharat mission by sweeping Bhadaini ghat on the banks of river ganga at Varanasi.
He also sang bhajans asking people to join swachh bharat campaign to clean Varanasi and India. Kailash Kher yesterday visited Bhadaini ghat, Assi ghat, Ganga Mahal ghat and the Tulsi ghat and after nominated 9 other celebrities to take part in the campaign.
It is known that Kher recently sang a song in Pawan Kalyan,Venkatesh’s Gopala Gopala. PM Modi after coming to know about Kher’s campaign, congratulated him tweeting “Bravo @kailashkher! I congratulate you for joining Swachh Bharat Mission in Varanasi. Admirable effort.”