In a shocking incident Prahlad Modi, brother of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi met with an accident in Karnataka on Tuesday and sustained injuries, said media reports. He was traveling with his family members in an SUV when the road mishap happened.
As per the media reports, Prahlad Modi was on his way to Bandipur in an SUV. However, the vehicle lost control and hit the divider. The accident happened near Mysore town. The injured victims were rushed to the nearby hospital for treatment.
The cops reached the spot after receiving the information and shifted the victims to the hospital. It is said that there were five people in the vehicle when it met with an accident. Besides Prahlad Modi, his wife, son(Mehul), daughter-in-law, and grandson(Menath Mehul Modi) were present.
A few media reports that despite sustaining injuries Prahlad Modi is out of danger and his grandson also sustained some injuries. However, there is no information on the condition of the rest of them.
After a thorough check-up of the victims, the hospital might release a bulletin on their health and how they are now. We should wait and see for the press release to be released by the hospital authorities.
It is said that they were rushed to a private hospital near Mysore. The pictures and videos that are doing rounds show their vehicle in a damaged stage. The front side of the SUV was damaged and a tire came out. The authorities towed the vehicle with the help of a JCB.