The ruling YSRCP and opposition TDP are on a war of words on Polavaram dam construction for the past three days in the Andhra Pradesh Assembly. Speaking on this CM Jagan said, “We have appointed a committee that will look into all the irregularities that took place during TDP government’s tenure. In just 15 days, the report will come and we will get to know the facts how much TDP leaders have looted in the name of Polavaram.”
Jagan also addressed the assembly about his first ever visit to Polavaram as CM. “When I went there, contractors and engineers have informed me that the works have stopped about four months ago. Our government will resume the works from November this year and are aiming to complete it by June 2021.”
The AP CM also said which were company bids for the lowest budget, we will allot them the contract By doing so, state government can save nearly 15 to 20 percent which could be around Rs 6500 crore.
Jagan lashed out at TDP government’s tender procedure. “TDP government allotted contracts on the basis of nomination. Ex-Finance minister Yanamala’s relative got one sub-contract. Not just this, without even giving the works, the government has transferred Rs 724 crore to contractors. Just wait another two weeks, we will reveal everything about Polavaram,” added Jagan.