Kalyan Ram after a decade tasted success on silver screen exploding as Pataas under the direction of Anil Ravipudi. He spellbound all with his performance as a corrupt cop. Even as he is enjoying the success of his film, a police case has been filed against the filmmakers today in Hyderabad.
According to the petitioners, Pataas filmmakers used the sacred Three Lions emblem in a wrong way in the title logo. They accused filmmakers of insulting the sacred emblem and filed complaint at Chaitanyapuri police station.
It is coming out they pointed out heroine Shruti Sodhi too sported skimpy outfits and touched the emblem with her hand in the posters. Some however feel petitioners are complaining only to get mileage out of it as the film turned out to be a hit.
It has to be seen how the Court and filmmakers respond to the case. Pataas is all about a police officer and how he turned corrupt and the transformation into honest cop.