Director Koratala Siva has stunned everyone with “Bharat Anu Nenu” as the political content inside the film really pushed some people into thinking. The way he spoke about accountability and responsibility through CM Bharat is an intriguing and thought provoking thing of sorts. Here comes the sparkle now.
Actually a leading political party that is aiming to form government in 2019 has now approached Koratala Siva. If you’re wondering what for they are meeting him, no, they don’t want to learn any political gyaan from him as they themselves have so much idea of present politics. This party actually wants some new advertisements to be created and directed by the writer-director such that they will have maximum impact on the voters.
Many political parties often bank on film directors to get content created and directed to use as audio-visual tools during election campaigns. And now, with Koratala showcasing the world that he has a terrific understanding of political ideologies and politics, they want him to craft ads.
While the director could cash on this and take home some decent bucks, he’s said to be no interested in these political ads as that will give a colour that he got aligned to that particular political outfit. That’s the beauty!