In an online poll conducted by the Times of India, AP CM Chandrababu Naidu has topped the list of the leaders to lead the Non-Congress and Non-BJP’s National Front. With 49 percent of votes, Chandrababu has emerged as the most acceptable leader to lead the front while Sharad Pawar stood next to Naidu with 29 percent votes and West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee secured only 22 percent and ranked at three.
It is no surprise that Naidu topped the list as he is known for playing national politics for very long and was the initiator of several fronts against Congress in the past.
Not just Times online poll, but Chandrababu has topped several polls in the past and even emerged as theĀ India’s Most Sensible Chief Minister beating the likes of UP CM Yogi Adityanath, Maharashtra CM Devender Fadnavis and Punjab CM Captain Amarinder Singh.