Ever since Prabhas’s film with Radhakrishna started, it got delayed many times due to various reasons. But sources close to the unit say that the film’s heroine Pooja Hegde is behind the postponement of a major schedule.
Apparently, the film’s crew flew to Austria for filming some important scenes. During that time Pooja fell sick and suffered fever which made her return to India. As she is crucial for that schedule, the team had no option but to come back without filming. This happened a month or two earlier and Pooja is back to her full strength. She wrapped up the promotions of ‘Ala Vaikunthapuramlo’ and joined Prabhas’s film again. Currently, the film is being shot in a huge set erected at Annapurna Studios.
After wrapping up this schedule, the team is expected to fly back to Austria to film the unfinished portions. This is the reason why the filmmakers are very careful when it comes to the health and well-being of its main actors. If anything happens to them, it affects the whole unit and results in losses to the financers. As we know, this film is a periodic love story set in the backdrop of Europe.