Poonam Pandey sent her fans on the virtual world into a tizzy with “Jingle b**bs”, her racy twist to Christmas carol “Jingle bells”. She says she sometimes find her videos stupid, but is glad her fans love them. The actress, who has oft grabbed headlines for her bold nature, enjoys a wide fan following of 726,000 on Twitter, and the video has registered over one million views on YouTube.
“All my videos are getting good hits. It feels good that you upload a 47-second video which is so stupid and I’ll myself term it stupid, but people love it. Though I’m stupid, but people still love me,” she said. Poonam, who made her debut down south with the action romance “Malini & Co” last year, didn’t expect the response to “Jingle b**bs”.
She said: “I never expected that I’ll receive such a great response. I thought it was a stupid video, it was silly. It was only done in a funny manner because I know what I’m doing. I didn’t expect it to go viral.” Meanwhile, Poonam has also signed two “huge” projects, but she can’t reveal much about them at the moment. She also has the film “Helen” in her kitty.