Controversial Bollywood actress Poonam Pandey has hit the headlines once again. The bold babe released teaser of a spicy video on the eve of Christmas. The hot pie wishes Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year 2016 to all her fans with the hot video in which she is seen shaking her top assets.
In the video teaser, Poonam is seen wearing a red Santa cap using hashtag used #PoonamPandeyasSexySanta as the caption. Poonam Pandey, is the new internet sensation and has approximately 7,18,057 followers on her Twitter account.
To make this festive season even special, she will also be sharing a sizzling hot video titled- Poonam Pandey’s Jingle Boobs on December 25, 2015 with her fan followers. The teaser is already a super hit and the full video is expected to create more sensations.
Poonam Pandey is well known to Telugu spectators with her film Malini & Co. The film directed by Veeru K was a disaster; however Poonam satisfied her fans over here with hot and sizzling show in the movie. Folks, enjoy the teaser for now, until the full video arrives tomorrow!