Surabhi, the heroine of Sankranthi release ‘Express Raja’ is a Delhi import. Though her initial movies ‘VIP’ and ‘Beeruva’ didn’t do all that well, they did get her some recognition and some more offers. Express Raja is one such offer. Thanks to Express Raja, she is now getting the kind of attention that she deserves. Also, her next film ‘Attack’ is ready for release and Surabhi has her fingers crossed.
But, there is something very interesting about this girl. This Delhi girl says her relatives and friends do not know that she is a heroine down south. Even her closest palls did not know that she is a heroine. Delhiites do not really bother about what is happening down south and nobody really knows about Surabhi’s filmi career.
She says her friends were shocked when she had shown them her film posters online. “Slowly they are beginning to accept my heroine status. But, they still can’t believe that I have made it big in Tamil and Telugu films,” she says. Well, it will take some more time for Surabhi to get big and for her career to soar. Till then, she has to live with her friends’ disbelief.