From today morning it has been the show of ‘Yevadu’ posters in Film Nagar and other major filmy areas in Andhra Pradesh. With music launch going to happen on Monday, 1st July 2013, Mega fans are getting right ‘soup’ before the actual ‘dinner’ falls on their table.
The new vibrant posters of Megapowerstar’s Yevadu are simply blowing many minds for their sharp looks and stunning poses. Many say that Charan is looking as dashing as ever in these latest posters, with that uber cool hair style, colourful costumes and sparkling goggles. He always make sure that he sets a style quotient with his getups and this time too he excelled well. Coming to Shruti Hassan, she is simply gorgeous in those transparent sarees and shining all smiles with her beautiful lips. Her flowing her and sleeveless looks are no doubt an icing on the cake. But the tempting part comes from smoking hot Amy Jackson, who is grabbing attention in those sexy bikini tops.