Power star Pawan Kalyan and Renu Desai have been divorced for a while now, but still talk over the phone almost every day! “We may be separated, but that doesn’t stop us from being parents to our two kids — Akira Nandan and Aadhya.
Pawan and I are still good friends and we talk almost every day. He knows everything about what’s happening in my life,” Renu Desai says. Famous actress-turned-director says that her friendship with Pawan has remained intact, despite the divorce.
“Our marriage might not have worked, but we still respect each other and I am very fond of him. He is a very caring father and keeps a tab on our kids,” adds Renu. Apparently, the actor is also aware of the comments, and the hate messages, that she gets on the Internet.
Pawankalyan just tells me to ignore such messages and not think too much about it (laughs),” she reveals. Stay updated on the go with Times of India News App. Click here to download it for your device.