Powerstar Pawan Kalyan will be launching the first look teaser of Nikhil’s Shankarabharanam tomorrow morning. Kona Venkat who is very close friend of Pawan Kalyan made it happen. Previously Pawan Kalyan also launched the first look poster of Kona’s Geethanjali. The movie had recently completed its shooting part.
The audio release event of the movie will happen this month itself and the movie is planned in November as Diwali Special. The theatrical trailer of the film is being attached with the prints of Ram Charan’s Bruce Lee.
Kona Venkat has given story and screenplay to Nikhil’s next, Shankarabharanam. The movie is a crime comedy with a Bihar backdrop. The makers have shot the movie in very tough locales of Bihar and Pune. Some scenes are also canned in USA.