With top Telugu stars descending like a galaxy at Rajamouli’s son Karthikeya wedding that took place in Jaipur, surely Rajasthan state has shined like never before. And then, we have to talk about these two adorable stars whose vibrant presence will not escape the image sensors of our brain for a couple of weeks.
Yes, though there is nothing sort of a relation between Prabhas and Anushka other than the fact that they are good friends, the two made a striking appearance at the wedding. With Prabhas dressed in a royal-blue kurta and Anushka sizzling in a red colored Benares saree, they are looking awesome. And as they stood side by side at the marriage mandap, it sounded like awesomeness has stepped down from heaven.
Some fans are feeling that though there is nothing between Prabahas and Anushka, it will be good if they get married. Not only they will make an excellent couple but for the kind of vibe they have, they will also look royal and make a great match. Even film industry folks are also reflecting similar thoughts.
Surely, they are a sweet couple on the screen together and we have to see what happens in their lives!!