When Baahubali made him a national level star, definitely many expect him to rock on Bollywood screen as that would have more reach than a Telugu film. That’s what many advisors pushed Prabhas for but somehow that is not interesting him.
Once again the topic of Prabhas’ Bollywood debut became a hot topic in film circles as the hunk hero clarified in the latest interview that he signed a Hindi movie three years ago. He also stated that it will take off after he wraps up “Saaho” and that new film will be his debut in Bollywood.
What’s the Baahubalian doubt that is lingering now is, if Saaho is likely to release in Hindi heartland as they are shooting it like a Telugu-Hindi bilingual, why is Prabhas thinking this film is not his debut in Bollywood? That makes anyone curious to know whether Saaho is a bilingual or not.
Also when Prabhas has this huge mass action image like a Salman Khan, will Hindi audiences feel happy if he takes up a love story? If we look at all these dimensions surrounding Prabahs, definitely his debut in Hindi sounds like a mystery.
For now, Prabhas is likely to join the shooting schedule of Saaho in Dubai, which will begin very soon.