Young Rebel Star Prabhas showed his kindhearted nature with latest gesture. The star has reportedly donated a cheque worth of Rs.5 lakhs to ‘Jesus Old Age Home’ and this Cheque is being circulated in social media. Prabhas is being prasied by al for this philanthropic act.
Prabhas triumphant with the landslide victory of his latest offig ‘Baahubali’. The movie collected has stood as the latest industry hit of Tollywood and collected a share of Rs.172 crores in Telugu version alone.
Meanwhile, ‘Baahubali’s sequel ‘Baahubali 2’ is going on sets on December 14. Anushka and Tamannah are pairing up with Prabhas in the movie while the makers are planning to rope in some more stars from other industries. Keevani will score the music of the movie. Rajamouli wields megaphone for this complete folklore entertainer. Arka Media Works is the production house.