Its been more than three years fans got to see Prabhas on screen. The actor totally dedicated himself to Rajamouli’s Baahubali in these three years. Now that the shooting of Baahubali Part-1 is complete, the actor wants to complete another film before the shooting of Baahubali-2 begins.
This new project will be directed by Sujith Sign who made a spectacular debut with Sharwanand’s Run Raja Run. The bound script for this project is locked and it will go on floors in May. The film is said to be an action-romantic entertainer.
Vamsi Krishna Reddy and Pramod Uppalapati, who produced ‘Mirchi’ and ‘Run Raja Run’, will produce this flick under UV creations banner. The producers are friends of Prabhas and Watch this space for more updates on this film.