SS Rajamouli, this most popular Tollywood director will soon be the most talked about filmmaker in the entire country after the release of Baahubali. This master perfectionist’s most ambitious dream, Baahubali, had its audio launch this evening in Tirupati with the blessings of Lord Venkateswara. Speaking on the occasion, Rajamouli paid rich tributes to all his cast and crew members.
Revealing the spirit of Ramya Krishna’s character, Sivagami, Rajamouli said that Ramya Krishna’s character is the driving energy of the film and thanked her for being a part of the film even after he went around other actresses before he chose her for the role. Jakkanna then talked about Kattappa, the Tamil star Satyaraj, and said that he was humbled and even felt guilty about the senior Tamil star’s kindness and down to earth nature. Showering equal praises on the legendary actor Nasser, Rajamouli said that Nasser is a co-student and remembered his Simhadri association with him and his classic words that meant a lot.
Speaking about the film’s beauties Tamannah and Anushka, Jakkanna said that Tamannah is a thorough professional and said that the milky beauty changed her costumes in freezing cold amidst snowfall in Bulgaria. Stating that he can work with Sweety Anushka for any number of times, Rajamouli said that only Anushka could have done justice to Devasena’s character and that Anushka was all fiery and intense eyed when he narrated the script to her.
The director then thanked his family members Vijayendra Prasad, Keeravani, Rama, Sri Valli, Karthikeya and the producers for being the pillars of strength behind his dream. Talking about Rana, Rajamouli said that Rana is the perfect choice for locking horns with a powerful man like Prabhas.
Coming to the hero of the film, Prabhas, Rajamouli said that the Young Rebel Star is his soul mate and that Prabhas trusted this epic project and that gave him the required boost all through these three years. Icing on the cake was Prabhas’ praise to Rajamouli when he said, ‘Darling meeru emi cinema teestunnaro telusa, not just a Telugu film but a gigantic epic.’