Pan-Indian star Prabhas is currently in home quarantine. If sources are to be believed, he decided to get isolated from the public after his makeup man tested positive for Coronavirus. He reportedly asked people who were in touch with him in the past couple of days to get tested immediately. Also, being the good-hearted man Prabhas is, he even offered to support the makeup and his family through these tough times.
He was supposed to complete the shooting of epic romantic drama ‘Radhe Shyam’ but with the latest turn of events, the shooting was completely stalled. A member from the team of Prabhas stated that Prabhas doesn’t want to put supporting actors and technicians at risk.
This takes a huge toll on the plans of not only ‘Radhe Shyam’ team but also on his other ongoing projects like ‘Salaar’ and ‘Adipurush’. Hope Prabhas doesn’t get affected by the virus.