Mega Prince Varun Tej’s upcoming film ‘Loafer’s audio launch date has been locked to December 7. This mega event will be held at Shilpakalavedika of Hyderabad. Buzz that Young Rebel Star Prabhas will grace the event as a chief guest of the movie. Megastar Chiranjeevi might not attend this event while mega brother Nagababu will be attending this star studded event.
‘Loafer’ has been directed by Puri Jagannadh. Disha patani has teamed up with Varun Tej in the film. Sunil Kashyap has composed the music of the movie. The movie is being produced by C Kalyan. Varun Tej’s ‘Kanche’ has received accolades from the critics as well as the common audiences. This Krish’s directorial venture has Pragya Jaiswal in female lead role. First Frame Entertainment is the production house.