Other day a leading producer of Tollywood is said to have met Prabhas for some other reason, and then offered to do a film with him. But the actor said a firm ‘NO’ and there is a huge policy-related decision behind that. Here goes it.
After ‘Baahubali’, the range, craze and box office power of Prabhas has multiplied many times. Now that he is coming up with ‘Saaho’, which is produced by his own banner ‘UV Creations’ (which runs on the name of his friend and cousin), the craze for that film shows his true commercial power. And then, his next film to that is also produced by the same banner.
We hear that whatever banner that offers a film to Prabhas, should now work with UV Creations on a share basis. This is more like a Salman Khan who puts the condition that every film of his will have ‘Salman Khan Films’ banner associated with it. While the profits will be shared on a ration basis, actors seeking a share in the whole film will happen only when they are a truly big star.
Like Salman is doing, we have earlier Chiranjeevi and in the recent times Mahesh Babu doing the same. Seems like Prabhas is also treading the same path.