Looks like Young Rebel Star Prabhas loves Anushka more than any other heroine in Tollywood! He is all set to romance the lady for the third time and second time in consecutive movies. In to the details, Anushka had been selected as the female lead in Prabhas – Rajamouli’s upcoming movie. The movie is reportedly a period drama, with Prabhas as the leading man. Though Anushka made her Tollywood debut in 2005, it was Rajamouli’s Vikramarkudu that gave her the much needed commercial break in Tollywood. Anushka and Prabhas acted together in Billa first and now are doing Mirchi.
Anushka has already signed Gunashekar’s 3D historical film, Rudrama Devi. And will have to allot bulk of her dates in 2013 for both these movies.Both the movies are in preproduction stage and will go on to sets very soon.