Dancing Sensation Prabhu Deva made his directional debut in Telugu and later went to Bollywood and is a big success there. He is is currently busy producing a film under AL Vijay’s direction which will feature Tamannaah in the female lead’s role. Prabhu Deva will make a comeback to Telugu after this project.
According to grapevine, Prabhu Deva will be directing Karthi for a Telugu-Tamil bilingual. Vasan Visual Ventures will produce this film in Tamil. The announcement of the Telugu version is awaited. Karthi’s latest Telugu-Tamil bilingual, Oopiri/Thozha is gearing up for release on March 25th.
After this, Karthi will commence shooting for Mani Ratnam’s romantic drama. Karthi will probably shoot simultaneously for the film. Rest of the details will be out after the official announcement of the film. Prabhu Deva last directed Megastar Chiranjeevi’s Shankardada Zindabad, way back in 2007.