Citizens of India were horrified to learn that the US police roughed up a 57 year old Indian gentleman in Alabama so badly that he was paralyzed. Sureshbhai Patel had gone to the US only two weeks ago to help his son Chirag Patel and daughter-in-law with their 17 month old child.
He was walking on the footpath outside his son’s home in Madison when patrol cops accosted him and then roughed up him, shoved him to the ground and cuffed him resulting in serious injuries to our fellow countryman. Someone had called the police to report a suspicious character in the neighborhood.
The incident once again underscores police brutalities against minorities and colored people in the US. Of late, unnamed, harmless black people were shot to death by cops resulting in widespread protests. But the US President goes around the world delivering homilies and sermons on tolerance, human rights and civil liberties.
Obama should first look within before pointing fingers at countries like India, a nation that upheld its secularism and continues to do so even at the expense of having lost vast swathes of territory in the form of Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan etc. If Indians had decided on a ‘Hindu Rashtra’, they would all have been a part of India today.
Aberrations are always bound to occur, but the freedom of the Press and the independence of the judiciary in India will always ensure that things do not go out of hand. We will lose Assam, Kashmir and other States too, but will continue to remain secular! As for Obama, he should stop this racial profiling in his country first before uttering any further nonsense against India.
Our hearts go out to Sureshbhai Patel who is suffering today for no fault of his! This incident must have added to the pain of his son, Chirag whose baby was delivered prematurely and as a result has a condition of delayed development. Our condolences to Sureshbhai Patel and his family. May he recover soon! Jai Hind! Written By K Hari Babu