The ongoing Sreenu Vytla, Prakash Raj fight has took a new turn with the versatile actor taking it to media to blast the director. “One should not have attitude and arrogance. Rather asking me for permission or informing that he has used my anguish as a dialogue in his movie, Sreenu Vytla stated that he used those dialogues as he like it. Is he having shame at all?” questioned Prakash Raj.
It is already known that earlier Prakash expressed his anguish on Vytla when the director replaced him in Aagadu with Sonu Sood. Also our director demanded to ban the actor from film industry for three years. At the time Prakash recited a verse to articulate his grief, ‘Na meeda raallu visaraku.. vaatini pattukoni illu kattukuntaanu’. And now, Sreenu Vytla has used same lines for Aagadu interval bang, where Sonu Sood’s character says them. Objecting these acts, Prakash blasted Sreenu Vytla today.
“Why did you targeted Pawan Kalyan, NTR and Kona Venkat in Aagadu? You should have made the movie to entertain fans but not to criticize others” Prakash advised to Vytla. “Why have you cheated producers for your personal revenge? Make movies to entertain others not to criticize someone”. We have to see how Sreenu Vytla will respond to Prakash’s blasting.