Versatile actor Prakash Raj has broken down as soon as he saw the mortal body of legendary director K. Balachander. Prakash Raj on Wednesday visited the house of the late director to pay tributes and the actor was inconsolable after seeing his father-figure in a deep sleep. Since it was an irreparable and irreplaceable loss for him personally and to total movie industry, Prakash Raj burst into tears.
In fact, it was difficult for many over there to console Prakash. “Thank u kb sir for changing my life.. For the moments.. Learning n unlearning . I’m crying out loud in pain.. Will miss u my MAN.. Love uuuu,” wrote Prakash Raj on his micro-blogging page twitter on Tuesday after hearing the passing away of Guru Balachander.
It’s not just Prakash Raj, several actors and actresses broke down upon seeing their mentor Balachander without life. Superstar Rajinikanth, actresses Khushboo, Jayaprada were among who became emotional.