Actor Prakash Raj has played it very safe in the whole issue of Sreenu Vytla. He not just gave a fitting reply to Sreenu by calling him “shameless”, Prakash intelligently brought the names of stars like Pawan Kalyan, Jr NTR and even Mahesh Babu by this, the actor garners the support of their fans. Prakash also scored brownie points by naming producers of Aagadu and blamed Sreenu for their suffering and subsequently talked about Kona Venkat. This is not all.
Especially, the timing at which Prakash Raj lashed out at his arch rival is certainly raising many eyebrows. Had Aagadu been hit, no doubt, Prakash Raj wouldn’t have raised his pitch like this. When the issue was burning, Prakash chose not to name him then. Prakash, in fact, doesn’t want to raise the issue much before the film’s release and gave opportunity to Sreenu to hit at him. At the same time, Prakash chose to stay tight-lipped soon after the film’s release even after it’s poor talk, as he thought anything he speaks then would be giving “unnecessary” publicity to the film, controversial poem.
On whole, Prakash Raj played the game very brilliantly, smartly and cornered Sreenu Vaitla completely. Prakash has hit at Sreenu when he is surrounded by all-round criticism. This is certainly a big jolt to Sreenu. However, one can’t underestimate Sreenu’s satires and counters. Stay tuned.