Nara Rohith is all set to entertain as ‘Rowdy Fellow’ from today, as the Krishna Chaitanya directorial is hitting the screens amidst fan frenzy. According to a premiere show screened for select celebs last night, we are hearing positive reports about the flick. As said and done, Rohith will be seen as an egoistic cop who deals with a corrupt politician Rao Ramesh.
Performances of both this protagonist and antagonist are said to be top notch with well etched characters written by Krishna Chaitanya, who debuted as writer and director with this movie. Dialogues are going to be the heart and soul of the flick, while background music scored by Sunny is completely fresh.
On the flip side, slow narration might hinder the experience along with not so groovy songs. We will know the complete story once the first day first show completes today. Stay connected for exclusive review.