Director Vikram K Kumar is in Hyderabad to promote his recent release, Suriya’s 24. On this occasion, Vikram revealed to media that the prequel to 24 is in the pipeline, The Prequel will cover Athreya and Shivakumar back story.
Vikram also added that he has two projects confirmed with Allu Arjun and Mahesh Babu. Once he completes both the projects, he will shift to the prequel project. That means it will take a minimum of 2 years or more to see the prequel project.
Suriya is currently busy in the shooting of his next film, S3, the third installment in Singham series. 24 is a failure project in Tamil. The movie did very well in Telugu and even better than the Tamil version.The movie is holding up well in A centers in its second week.
The film is inching towards $1.5 Million dollars mark at US Box office thanks to the genre, positive reviews and Vikram Kumar. Even in Overseas, Telugu version is performing better than the the Tamil version.